Portafolio final

MI PORTAFOLIO DEL CURSO Uso de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos en Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE)

Transcript of Portafolio final

  1. 1. MI PORTAFOLIO DEL CURSO Uso de Recursos Educativos Abiertos para el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos en Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE)
  2. 2. EN ESTE CURSO HE APRENDIDO MUCHSIMAS COSAS: Lo primero que hice fue una presentacin multimedia, y me decid por un voki.
  3. 3. Despus empec a publicar entradas en mi blog. Ya tena uno, as que lo he aprovechado. Es ste: http://bloglosporques.blogspot.com.es/
  4. 4. Despus empec a compartir mi trabajo en twitter, donde tambin tena una cuenta abierta:
  5. 5. He aprendido a planificar unidades AICLE utilizando la plantilla que nos proporcionaron en el curso: Coordinacin bilinge Isabel Prez Torres Template to design a CLIL didactic unit Subject: English-Literature Teacher: Mara Pea Morales Title of the Unit: I love Shakespeare! Course / Level: 4 E.S.O. 1. Learning outcomes / Evaluation criteria To know the most important facts of Shakespeares life To recognize the main characteristics of Shakespeares work To distinguish different kinds of literary texts To identify the different parts you can find in a theatre 2. Subject Content The characteristics of Shakespeares Works Relevant facts and dates of Shakespeares life The most influential plays and sonnets Historical background: XVI-XVII Centuries 3. Language Content / Communication Vocabulary - Nouns: masterpiece, sonnet, poetry, drama, narrative, novelties, tone, play, background, biography, inn yards, tragedy, comedy, patronage, Renaissance, playhouse, couplet, chronology, fidelity, traitor - Verbs: be born, marry, become, die, develop, show, demonstrate, retire, attack, build, increase, interweave, kill, revenge, realize, publish, provide - Adjectives: fresh, sarcastic, exquisite, serious, light, witty, innovative, natural, foreign, dramatic, fashionable, wealthy, prominent, outstanding, romantic Prepositions: through, till, by, with, concerning Structures - Routines: Who is your favourite writer? Why? Do you know any writers from the past? Have you ever read poetry? Did you like it? Have you ever gone to the theatre? What did you like most? - Content: Present Simple, Past Simple, was/were, comparatives and superlatives (more serious, the most relevant, not as good as) - Classroom management: expressions of personal opinions such as I prefer, I like/love, Im not very fond of, I agree/disagree, I cant stand, I dont mind, in my opinion, from my point of viewand expressions showing understanding and misunderstanding: Can you repeat, please?, I don`t understand, I see what you mean...
  6. 6. Tambin he aprendido a manejar Symbaloo y a crear mi propio webmix Para confeccionar la unidad didctica:
  7. 7. Escrib los objetivos de uso de los recursos que he incluido en la unidad didctica, y los publiqu en el blog junto con el diseo de materiales:
  8. 8. La actividad de diseo de los materiales me ha servido para aprender a seleccionar recursos variados: imgenes, vdeos, textos y utilizarlos para mis actividades: Now label the pictures with the words in the box: Dressing Room Curtain Backstage Orchestra Pit Stage Auditorium . . . . .
  9. 9. Y tambin he creado actividades interactivas y presentaciones. Aqu incluyo los enlaces de algunas de ellas: http://es.slideshare.net/Maririzosp/presentacin-parts-of-a-theatre ?qid=63bc3d24-e86b-4cca-ab19- 85567a451201&v=qf1&b=&from_search=40 http://en.educaplay.com/en/learningresources/1822522/match_the_word s___definitions.htm http://poster.4teachers.org/worksheet/view.php?id=173063 http://en.educaplay.com/en/learningresources/1817801/the_globe.htm http://www.dipity.com/maririzosp/Shakespeare-s-Plays/#timeline http://LearningApps.org/watch?v=p6pwys8wc01
  10. 10. En el ltimo bloque he publicado mi unidad completa: I Love Shakespeare!
  11. 11. Y como ltimo paso, he diseado este portafolio para compartir Con todos vosotros el trabajo que he ido realizando a lo largo de estos Casi dos meses. Aqu os dejo mis comentarios: