Download - 7 Ways You Can Leverage Content Marketing For E-Commerce

Page 1: 7 Ways You Can Leverage Content Marketing For E-Commerce

7 Ways You Can Leverage Content Marketing for


Getting visibility online can prove to be a challenging task for e-commerce

ventures in the current scenario where thousands are shouting themselves

hoarse to be heard. It is not easy to attract traffic, links or shares if all you

have in place is your website. The time is to do more than just traditional

marketing. It is the time you chose content marketing.

Content marketing is not simply promoting your products but to look beyond

that and provide your audience with stuff that they think they need to read,

know and share. Currently, many e-commerce portals are utilising content

marketing, and many have come up with amazing content to keep their

customers/audience glued and asking for more.

We list out here seven tips you can use and experiment with to carve your

niche online from being just a website to being a brand.

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1) Create Video Tutorials

How-to-do videos are an excellent opportunity for e-commerce business. It

not only helps you to convey information in an engaging way but is also bound

to attract significant traffic. Create tutorials keeping your audience in mind.

For example, a fashion based e-commerce portal can create how-to-do videos

on how to wear a particular fashion accessory in different ways. Or a food

based e-commerce venture can tell its viewers how to cook a particular dish in

a more quick and delectable manner.

2) Target Niche

Generic content will not help you rise above the din. There are more than

million pieces of content being published each day world over. So it is

essential that you do something that sets you apart from the pack. The more

certain your topics are, the more you will get noticed by your target group.

However, before you zero into your niche zone, make sure that it is not so

obscure, that nobody wants to read it. For example, a home furnishing e-

commerce portal may create content around handlooms or ethnic craft.

3) Use Photo Heavy Content

Visual content attract audiences much more than textual content. An e-

commerce company is into selling products so make sure that your

prospective audience sees those products in the most lucrative and attractive

manner possible. Incorporating impressive images into your posts can help up

the discoverability of your brand. The idea is to inspire and create an

aspiration factor through your pictures.

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4) Go for Audience’s Reviews

Have a satisfied customer do a review post for you. Prospective buyer’s

choices are influenced by information, reviews and word of mouth. Do take

care, however, to not post commercially generated sweet saccharine posts, as

your customer can see right through it. Wherever possible, use customer-

generated reviews and ratings in your posts to boost credibility.

5) Be There for Your Audience

Social media demands constant attention. The audience is looking for

products will want to know things or just a chat before they make their final

decision or to ask questions post-purchase. Make sure you/ assigned

personnel are there to answer their queries in real time. It will help you gain

credibility in their eyes and garner a positive brand image. Put up a FAQs page

on your website and make it impressive enough for your audience to read and

share it. Also, an excellent customer support will help you rank higher in

search engines.

6) Become an Authority

Content marketing is not about selling your product each time. It is also about

building credibility, establishing you as the thought leader and bringing in a

loyal following for your brand. Create your content hub where your audience

can get information on a variety of topics that interest them. You will not only

inspire trust and authority in your segment but will also generate traffic

through this outlet.

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7) List Benefits Not Features

Whenever you talk about your product, try to list how it is going to help the

users rather than just listing its features. The reason is: it helps buyers to

understand how purchasing your product will solve their existing

problems/fill the gaps. Your content should be customer centric rather than

product centric.

In The End

Content marketing can be a challenging task for e-commerce ventures since it

is not only about making the audience read your content, but also moving

them down in the buyer’s funnel. Implementing the above mentioned tips can

help you design a sound content marketing strategy that can attract, engage

and convert your audience.

If you have any more ideas on leveraging content marketing for e-commerce

do let us know too.
