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Contenido de la prueba escrita – Inglés B1

Comprensión de Lectura Puntuación

A. Un ejercicio de vocabulario con 10 ítems de respuesta


B. Dos textos de diferente tipología (por ejemplo, textos

narrativos, descriptivos, de opinión, informativos, etc.); cada texto tiene 5 ítems de respuesta múltiple.

En ambas partes el candidato debe elegir una respuesta

correcta de entre cuatro opciones. En todos los casos, sólo

una es correcta, mientras que las demás son distractores,

es decir, respuestas no correctas.

10 puntos.

5 +5 = 10 puntos.

Total= 10+10= 20

Comprensión Auditiva Puntuación

A y B. Dos textos de audio de diferente tipología (por

ejemplo, textos narrativos, descriptivos, de opinión,

biográficos, de conversación; pueden ser de tipo formal,

informal o académico; diálogo, monólogo, una serie de pequeños diálogos, etc.).

Cada audio tiene 5 ítems de respuesta múltiple y el

candidato debe elegir una respuesta correcta de entre tres

opciones. En todos los casos, sólo una es correcta,

mientras que las demás son distractores, es decir,

respuestas no correctas.

5 + 5 =10 puntos.

Total= 10

Expresión Escrita Puntuación

A y B. Ejercicios de uso de la lengua.

C. Redacción de dos textos de distinta tipología (por

ejemplo, carta o correo electrónico informal/ formal,

artículo, informe, ensayo, reseña, narración etc.). La

primera tarea es obligatoria y en la segunda el candidato

tiene que elegir una opción de entre dos.

Cada redacción tiene una puntuación máxima de 10 puntos y los aspectos evaluados son:

Adecuación a la tarea

Cohesión y coherencia

Corrección gramatical y ortográfica.

Riqueza del léxico y las estructuras usados

10 puntos.

10 + 10 = 20 puntos.

Total= 10+20= 30


La puntuación obtenida en cada destreza se ajusta a un nota sobre 100. Cada una de las destrezas tiene la misma

ponderación en relación al total de los puntos de la prueba y hay que obtener un resultado igual o superior al 50% en cada una de las destrezas.




Duración de la prueba: 150 minutos

Duración: 150 minutos


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A. VOCABULARY. Choose the best option - A, B, C or D - to complete each sentence.

Example: 0. We left the car in the _____.

a) garage parking b) car parking c) park garage d) car park

1. After getting ___ the bus, I realized I should have stayed on until the next stop.

a) in b) out c) of d) off

2. I like climbing and skiing, so I have to be ___.

a) well b) sporty c) fit d) form

3. Some people are very afraid ___ spiders.

a) for b) of c) from d) --

4. I only have five dollars to ___ to the end of the month.

a) last b) endure c) reach d) live

5. The chef at that restaurant is a specialist in French ___.

a) kitchen b) plates c) cooking d) cookers

6. The bank is ____ the corner, opposite the pharmacy.

a) on b) in c) next d) by

7. My husband always ___ asleep in the armchair after lunch.

a) goes b) falls c) gets d) has

8. The little girl ___ the glass on the floor and it broke.

a) spilled b) dropped c) fell d) poured

9. Could you lend me a pound? I'll _________it back tomorrow.

a) get b) take c) pay d) keep

10. He spends too many hours __________ the office, sometimes 10 hours a day!

a) by b) on c) for d) at


Correct answer = 1 point

No answer = 0 points

Incorrect answer = 0 points

Your answers for Section I, Reading Comprehension and Section II, Listening

Comprehension must be transferred onto the answer sheet. For Section III, Written

Expression, parts A, B and C, write your answers in the space provided on this exam.

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B. TEXTS. Read the following texts and clearly indicate the option - A, B, C or D - which best

completes the sentence or answers the question according to the text.

Text i y Text ii

Example: The text is likely to appear in

a) A meteorology course book.

b) a scientific journal.

c) a government report.

d) A school textbook.

B. TEXT. Read the following text and choose the best answer for each item. (5 points)

Two of the most dangerous storms in America are hurricanes and tornadoes. All of those who live in

the area where they can occur fear them.

Hurricanes, which usually develop between July and October, originate over the waters of the

Caribbean Sea. They move upwards to the continental U.S., somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic

Ocean. When they reach the land, they are incredibly powerful and are accompanied by heavy rain and

strong winds. These winds can travel at over 120 kilometres per hour, and cover an area of over 900

kilometres. Every year homes are destroyed by them and lives are often lost. Most people who live near the

south coast are forced to evacuate their homes and move to safer areas until the storm passes.

If you travel to the Midwest, you probably won’t encounter a hurricane, but there is another kind of

storm there which is almost as bad. It is called a tornado. Tornadoes are violent storms with an intense wind

which is capable of lifting trees, cars and even heavier objects such as homes into the air. These storms occur

mostly in summer and can be identified by their strong wind and lack of rain. Tornadoes normally travel at

around 60 kilometers per hour and the winds can reach up to 800 kilometers per hour. Tornadoes are most

frequent in the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains, and especially in the Mississippi area, where

about 150 occur each year.

Both hurricanes and tornadoes cause millions of dollars worth of damage each year. Today they can be

predicted more easily than in the past, but they cannot be stopped. When they come, the people affected by

them have to endure them, with the hope that they will survive them.

11. What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this article?

a) To inform people about extreme weather conditions in the U.S.

b) To encourage people not to travel to the U.S.

c) To prevent people from moving to the Midwest.

d) To give people advice about what to do when there are hurricanes and tornadoes.

12. Where could this text come from?

a) A holiday brochure.

b) An advertisement for extreme holidays.

c) A police report.

d) A scientific journal.

13. Tornadoes are accompanied by ______.

a) heavy rain

b) strong wind

c) lightning

d) hail

14. In America, tornadoes ___.

a) are very mild

b) occur only in summer

c) occur mainly in winter

d) occur around Mississippi

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15. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the article?

a) The damage caused by hurricanes and tornadoes.

b) The tremendous power of these storms.

c) The number of people killed each year by these storms.

d) The speeds at which they travel.


Listening A y Listening B

You are going to hear someone at a club meeting telling people about a trip to York. Listen and choose the

correct answer - A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice.

Example: They chose to visit York because it’s

a) got better weather than London.

b) cheap to get there by bus.

c) got wonderful buildings and history.

21. The trip to York will take place in ___.

a) April

b) May

c) June

22. The trip will cost ₤30 if you ___.

a) are a new member

b) aren’t a club member

c) are under 18

23. The speaker ____.

a) hasn’t been to the shops in York

b) has been to the National Rail Museum

c) has visited the Jorvik exhibition

24. You should be outside the town hall at ____.

a) 9.05

b) 9.25

c) 9.40

25. If you want to go on the trip to York, you can ____.

a) send an e-mail this week or put your name down this evening

b) send an e-mail, phone or put your name down this evening

c) phone this week or put your name down this evening

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Please do not write in this space.

Written Expression: UofE ( /20 ÷ 2) = /10 + Compositions /20 = 30 ÷ 3 = /10


Rewrite the following sentences using the new beginning given. The meaning of the original sentence must

not change. (31- 40)

Example: They didn’t allow us to leave early.

Answer: They didn’t let us leave early.

31. That box isn’t big enough for all her books.

That box is…

32. Peter writes better than Jane.

Jane doesn’t…

33. I don’t have any holidays next summer, so I can’t go away.

If I had…

34. Mark: “André, please take the dog out.”

Mark asked …

35. They will phone the gardener on Monday.

The gardener…

36. The last time she spoke to her sister was two weeks ago.

She hasn’t…

37. That is such a beautiful ring.


38. The house she bought was thirty years old.

She bought a …

39. There weren’t many students in class today.

There were …

40. That woman’s friend works for the BBC.

That’s the woman…

B. CLOZE. Read the text and fill in each gap with ONE word only. (41-50)

(0) = Example

Driving my (0) ____car____ in Seville (41) ____________ me angry. I didn’t use to (42) ____________this

way before. 20 years (43) _________we didn’t travel (44)__________ fast (45) ___________ we do

nowadays. Today’s cars are (46) _________ faster and easier to drive, so why does it (47) ___________ so

long to get from one place to (48) ___________ and why am I so stressed? It’s because there are more cars

on the road and of (49)___________ there are quite a (50) _________ of traffic jams along the way.

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Please do not write in this space

Part I


Part II





Part I. You must complete the following task. Write 125 words. Count the words and indicate the required

number of words (125) clearly with an asterisk (*).

You have just returned from the USA where you studied English and lived with an American couple and

their two young children. Write a letter to the American family and:

• tell them about the flight home

• thank them for letting you stay with them

• describe how your own family welcomed you and

• say what it feels like to be home (food, friends, own room)

Part II. Choose ONE of the following options and write 125 words. Count the words and indicate the

required number of words (125) clearly with an asterisk (*).


1. “Young people have too much freedom these days.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Mention freedom at home, freedom at school, and freedom in choosing a job.

2. Write about an adventure you will never forget. Mention where it was, who was with you, and why

you will never forget it.