Download - Guia English V

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Colegio de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de Tlaxcala

AsignaturaAsignaturaEnglish V

Semestre: Fifth

Versión 1.0

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Lic. Héctor Israel Ortíz OrtízGobernador del Estado Tlaxcala

Ing. Gilberto Morales GonzálezDirector General del CECyTE Tlaxcala

Ing. Raúl Alfredo Pérez ZamoraDirector Académico del CECyTE Tlaxcala

Lic. Sidonio Acoltzi NavaDirector Administrativo del CECyTE Tlaxcala

Lic. Hilario Hernández CervantesDirector de Planeación del CECyTE Tlaxcala

Mtro. Luis Miguel Munive PatiñoDirector de Planeación del CECyTE Tlaxcala

Page 3: Guia English V

Lic. Danitza Meneses LimaLic. Eloísa Sánchez ChamorroLic. Eric Vigueras PadillaIng. Silvia Verónica Paul Ramírez

Lic. Norma Hernández Vásquez




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This guide introduces you to a variety of texts and gives you many chances to practice reading for different purposes.

This guide will help you start reading English materials by yourself because it introduces and practices useful reading skills.

Objetivo general

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Contiene los siguientes apartados

I. Mapa Curricular

II. Simbología

III. Introducción a la asignatura

IV. Desarrollo de actividades

a. Aperturab.Desarrolloc. Cierre

V. Fuentes de información

VI. Glosario

VII. Anexos


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ENGLISHComponente de formación

Asignatura Clave Semestre Carga horaria

Básica Inglés I INBACO13 Primero 3 horas por semana

Inglés II INBACO23 Segundo 3 horas por semana

Inglés III INBACO33 Tercero 3 horas por semana

Inglés IV INBACO43 Cuarto 3 horas por semana

Propedéutica Inglés V INPDCO55 Quinto 5 horas por semana


Concepto fundamental • Avances de la humanidad

Concepto subsidiario • Campo:

Social Económico Científico Tecnológico

Funciones del lenguaje sugeridas • Las funciones del lenguaje estarán de acuerdo con los textos seleccionados, con énfasis en la comprensión de lectura.

Nociones gramaticales• Todas las estructuras vistas en los semestres anteriores.

Vocabulario• Acorde con las lecturas propuestas.

Análisis de textos• Informativos • Instructivos • Descriptivos • Narrativos • Científicos

Estrategias para la comprensión de lectura:• Predicción (gráficos, iconográficos y tipográficos) • Skimming • Scanning • Conectores • Referentes para la comprensión • Inferencias de lectura • Prefijos / sufijos • Ideas principales y secundarias • Transcodificación (que el alumno elabore mapas conceptuales, cuadros sinópticos, gráficas, etc.)

Principales categorías:• Diversidad • Espacio • Tiempo • Energía • Materia

Principales valores por fomentar:• Libertad • Justicia • Solidaridad

Contexto de aprendizaje Acorde al tema integrador propuesto

Mapa Curricular

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Conceptos fundamentales Society´s Breakthroughs.

Conceptos subsidiarios Utilization and Conservation of Natural Resources, Science and

Technology .

Competencias Genéricas Atributos de competencia

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilizaciónde medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

5. desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos establecidos.

8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o gráficas.

Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue.

Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de ellas.

Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.

Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información y expresar ideas.

Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva, comprendiendo como cada uno de esos pasos contribuyen al alcance de un objetivo.

Ordena información de acuerdo a categorías, jerarquías y relaciones.

Propone maneras de solucionar un problema o desarrollar un proyecto en equipo, definiendo un curso de acción con pasos específicos.

Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera reflexiva.

Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y habilidades con los que cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.


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Competencias disciplinares


Identificar, ordenar e interpretar las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe.

Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de su contenido o con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.

Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con instrucciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras.

Argumenta un punto de vista en público de manera precisa, coherente y creativa. Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y académica. Analiza y compara el origen, desarrollo y diversidad de los sistemas y medios de comunicación. Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una

segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con

la situación comunicativa. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para investigar, resolver problemas,

producir materiales y transmitir información.


Comprende la intención y el propósito de los diversos tipos de discurso. Comprende la noción y las propiedades del texto. Reconoce que la lectura es el resultado de una interacción entre el texto y el lector

aplicando las estrategias necesarias de acuerdo al propósito del texto y del lector. Desarrolla estrategias útiles para la comprensión análisis e interpretación de textos

periodísticos, científicos y publicitarios. Utilizar procedimientos y estrategias de la comunicación escrita y reconoce la importancia

de evaluar las producciones, tanto propias como ajenas, con criterios objetivos de corrección, coherencia, propiedad y creatividad.

Se expresa en forma coherente, creativa y adecuada a las diversas situaciones y finalidades de la comunicación.

Desarrolla estrategias para hacerse comprender en lengua extranjera, en situaciones comunicativas cotidianas.

Conoce aspectos elementales sobre el origen, desarrollo y riqueza de una lengua extranjera.

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Contenidos Conceptuales

Connectors (what´s more, nevertheless) Gerund Affixes (-or, -ist, -ician for jobs, -ular, -ive, -ing, mono-, bi-, multi-) Verbs with to or gerund In order to/that, for+gerund, to+verb; Uses of the Connectives for causes and effects; adjectives+to+infinitive Adjectives or adverb; have/get something done Prefixes (un-, in-, im-, mis- re-, over- under-) Relative clauses and verbs with base form. Comment adverbs, reflexive pronouns. Except for/ apart from/besides, enough, not enough, too.

Multi-words phrases; each, every, all.

Contenidos Procedimentales

Developing the four skills

Individual, pair and group work/ collaborative work

Reading comprehension strategies

Contenidos Actitudinales

Solidarity, freedom.


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Instrumento de Evaluación

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English Language V is a subject located in the fifth semester of the CECYTE schools. In

this semester you will use all the previous knowledge you got from English I, II, III

and IV in order to develop some reading strategies for English texts.

Pre-reading, While-reading and Post-reading is the most suitable methodology for

this course because you will be guided through the different stages of Reading and

this will allow you to develop and improve your ability to read efficiently and to

integrate reading with some other skills. At the same time, you will communicate

each other.

The main role of the teacher is to guide you and to promote the self-learning, so

that, you will have a meaningful learning. While you will have a more active role,

doing the activities designed for each reading and designing some other activities.

Some readings for this course were taken from different text books, and some other

from the Internet. The teacher designed the activities for these ones. Working with

these readings and the different reading strategies, will let you to learn how to read

effectively. The development of this skill will be very useful for you in further studies

or in your career.


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Desarrollo de actividades

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We read for many different reasons. We can read to: Learn about a new topic, and talk or write about it later Learn new grammar and new vocabulary Enjoy it

This guide will help you to read and understand different things such as:

Books, articles, magazines, letters Online blogs, web pages, e-mails, text messages Receipts, manuals, road signs, postcards, maps Charts, diagrams

Tips for you to improve your reading skill: Don’t worry about understanding everything! Build your own reading speed Think ahead Ask question as you read


Good Luck


Enjoy this guide!


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Nombre de la actividad

Opening task No. 1

Instrucciones para el estudiante

Look at the picture and answer the questions

Conocimientos a Adquirir

To get background knowledge

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Answering a quizz

Producto de aprendizaje

Stating opinions,Preferences listing.

1.-What place is it?2.-Where is it?3.- Name the place, the country and the continent4.-Why the people go to this place?5.-What different types of tourism can you think of?


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Nombre de la actividad

Vocabulary exercise and fill gap activity No. 2

Instrucciones para el estudiante

Complete the sentences with words from the box.

Actitudes a formar

ResponsabilityManera didáctica de lograrlas

Motivating the student to answer the fill gap exercise.

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Comprende la noción y las propiedades del texto.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging student to look for the meaning of vocabulary by using different tools.

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Answering the exercise

Producto de aprendizaje

Comprehension of the text to answer it in a correct form (Coherence)

Recursos materiales de

apoyoWritten exercise, dictionary.

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Complete the sentences with words from the box.

Adventure travel Hotel manager Desk clerk ResortEcotourism Sightseeing Guided tour Vacation package

1. A type of vacation which tries not to harm the environment is______________.

2. The person in charge of a place where tourists stay is the________________.

3. When you visit interesting places that tourists often visit, you go_________________.

4. When you buy travel an accommodation together, it is a _____________________.

5. A place where a lot of people go on vacation is a ______________.6. A type of vacation with exciting activities is_______________.7. On a _______________, somebody shows you a place and tells you about

it.8. The hotel employee who books rooms and answers questions is


Nombre de la actividad

Speaking practice 3


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Instrucciones para el estudiante

Discuss what is important to you when you go on vacation

Actitudes a formar

Self-improvementManera didáctica de lograrlas

Involving the students in the topic.

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con instrucciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras

Argumenta un punto de vista en público de manera precisa, coherente y creativa.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Motivating the students to talk about the topic.

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging them to give a personal opinion

Producto de aprendizaje

Improving oral production

Recursos materiales de

apoyoThe board and markers

Nombre de la actividad

Pre-reading No. 4

Instrucciones para el estudiante

Look at the title of the article. Predict what the article will be about.

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Quickly read the article. Then answer the questions.

Actitudes a formar

SolidarityManera didáctica de lograrlas

Involving the students to work in teams or pair work.

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con instrucciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras

Argumenta un punto de vista en público de manera precisa, coherente y creativa.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Motivating the students to read and get the general idea and specific information of the text.

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging them to get the main information

Producto de aprendizaje

Improving Reading comprehension

Recursos materiales de

apoyoA written text


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Read the text and circle the correct options.San Pablito Pahuatlán is a small town in Puebla State. It is quiet and not polluted. There are two hotels, and there are many restaurants. There is a market on Saturdays. Tourists visit the market to buy traditional clothes and papel amate, paper made from the amate tree. The people of San Pablito are very friendly. They speak Spanish and Otomí. There are many old traditions in San Pablito.Some people want to preserve the traditions. For example, Don Alfonso García Téllez is a shaman, a writer and an artist. He is from San Pablito. He writes about the traditions of the Otomi in San Pablito. His books are beautiful.

1. SanPablito Pahuatlán is... a. in Puebla state. b. in the state of Mexico. c. in Guatemala.

2. The people of San Pablito are______...a. Very aggressive .b. Very friendly. c. Very funny.

3. Is there a restaurant in San Pablito? a. Yes, there's one b. No, there isn't. c. Yes, there are many.

4. People of San Pablito speak _______..a. English - French. b. Spanish - English. c. Spanish - Otomì.

5. There is _____on Saturdays.a. a market b. a circus c. a festival

6. Don Alfonso Garcìa Tellez is a ______.a . Businessman . b . Artist . c . Singer

7. What is the main purpose of the text? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nombre de la actividad

Read a text about a specific topic5

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Instrucciones para el estudiante

Read the text and complete the task

Actitudes a formar

Solidarity and liberty

Manera didáctica de lograrlas

Involving the students to work individually

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con instrucciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras

Argumenta un punto de vista en público de manera precisa, coherente y creativa.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Motivating the students to read and get the specific information of the text.

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging them to get the specific information

Producto de aprendizaje

Reading comprehension

Recursos materiales de

apoyoA written text and a food pyramid brought by the teacher.

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What do you think is the text about?

Is there a relation between the two pictures above?

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What do you think is the profession of the woman above?

Do you think is important her profession? Why?

Have your seen a food pyramid? How it is formed?

How much of each food group do you eat every week? Complete these sentences by yourself.

I eat a little of_______________

I eat about_____________servings every week

I eat a lot of ____________________

I eat about ________________servings every week

Nombre de la actividad

The use of new vocabulary No. 6

Instrucciones para el estudiante

Complete a speech exercise.Students underline nouns, adjectives and verbs from the text given (Nutrition) and complete the chart below.

NutritionNutrition means the food we eat and how much we eat of each food group. The first group contains breads and grains, the second one vegetables and fruit, the third one dairy products (milk, yoghurt, cheese) and meat, the fourth group contains fats, oils and sweets. Good nutrition is important. When we eat good food, our bodies are stronger and we stay healthy. The nutrition pyramid is a guide that helps us choose the best food for a balanced diet. It is healthy to eat food from each of the main food groups.

1. A balanced diet is the same as a healthy diet. yes no2. The nutrition pyramid tells us what to eat every day. yes no3. It is healthy to eat food from each food group. yes no4. It is healthy to eat a lot of food from each food group. yes no

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Actitudes a formar

ResponsibilityManera didáctica de lograrlas

Involving the students to work individually

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Comprende la noción y las propiedades del texto.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Motivating the students to identify the correct use of the words.

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

5.Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos establecidos.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging them to classify the words

Producto de aprendizaje

Identify the function of the words

Recursos materiales de

apoyoA written exercise

Complete the table below by using the words you underlined on the text “Nutrition”.

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Adjective Noun Verb

Nombre de la actividad

Real-life Reading tasksNo. 7

Instrucciones para el estudiante

Students answer a multiple choice task

Actitudes a formar

ResponsibilityManera didáctica de lograrlas

Involving the students to work individually

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de su contenido o con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.


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Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Motivating the students to read and identify specific information

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging them to develop reading comprehension

Producto de aprendizaje

Identify the useful information to be applied in real life

Recursos materiales de

apoyoText and dictionary

Healthy Eating

Tips for a Healthy Diet and Better Nutrition

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible – all which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and incorporating them in a way that works for you.

Choose the types of foods that improve your health and avoid the types of foods that raise your risk for such illnesses as heart disease, cancer, and

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diabetes. Expand your range of healthy choices to include a wide variety of delicious foods. Learn to use guidelines and tips for creating and maintaining a satisfying, healthy diet.

Healthy Fast Food

Tips for Making Healthier Fast Food Choices

America has been called a "fast food nation" and for good reason. Every day, one out of four Americans eats fast food. If you are eating out, fast food restaurants are often the cheapest option, but unfortunately, not usually the healthiest one. Eating just one fast food meal can pack enough calories, sodium and fat for an entire day, but the quick-and-cheap temptation can be hard to resist.

As an informed customer, you can make healthier choices and still enjoy the convenience of fast food restaurants.

Learning to make healthier choices at fast food restaurants

Making healthier choices at fast food restaurants is easier if you prepare ahead by checking guides that show you the nutritional content of meal choices at your favorite restaurants. Free downloadable guides help you evaluate your options. If you have a special dietary concern, such as diabetes, heart health or weight loss, the websites of national non-profits provide useful advice. You can also choose to patronize restaurants that focus on natural, high quality food.

If you don’t prepare ahead of time, common sense guidelines help to make your meal healthier. For example, a seemingly healthy salad can be a diet minefield when smothered in high-fat dressing and fried toppings, so choose a salad with fresh veggies, grilled toppings and a lighter dressing. Portion control is also important, as many fast food restaurants serve enough food for several meals in the guise of a single serving.

Underline the correct option

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1. Healthy eating is_____________a. Feeling bad b. having less energy c. having more energy

2. To be healthy you need______________a. Food that improve your healthb. Fast food /junk foodc. Food that contains a lot of calories

3. The fast food restaurants are_______________a. very expensive option to eatb. cheaper than other type of restaurantsc. the best option to eat in a healthy way

4. America is called “fast food nation” because_________________a. People eat healthy foodb. People eat a lot of junk foodc. People eat quickly

5. Making healthier choices at fast food restaurants is________________a. interestingb. difficultc. easy

Nombre de la actividad

Learning logNo. 8

Instrucciones para el estudiante

Students read and write a narrative about the text “Healthy Eating"

Actitudes a formar

Solidarity Responsibility

Manera didáctica de lograrlas

Involving the students to work in teams

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de su contenido o con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Motivating the students to read and write specific information

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

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Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging them to develop reading comprehension and writing a narrative

Producto de aprendizaje

Write specific information about the reading

Recursos materiales de

apoyoText and dictionary

Get and write the main ideas of the text “Healthy Eating” with your own words.


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Nombre de la actividad

Word building ( Prefixes and suffixes)No. 9

Instrucciones para el estudiante

Students match the correct suffix and prefix to form a new word.

Students look for the words (with suffixes) in the text below and underline them.

Students complete the text using the written prefixes.

Actitudes a formar Responsibility

Manera didáctica de lograrlas

Involving the students to work individually.

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Comprende la noción y las propiedades del texto.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Motivating the students to identify and write the prefixes and suffixes in a correct form

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

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Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging them to improve their knowledge about prefixes and suffixes.

Producto de aprendizaje

Identify and write words that contain prefixes and suffixes

Recursos materiales de



Fuentes de información Anexos


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Nombre de la actividad

Identifying connectors 10

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Instrucciones para el estudiante

Students select the correct connector to complete the text.

Actitudes a formar Responsibility

Manera didáctica de lograrlas

Involving the students to work individually.

Competencia disciplinar a desarrollar

Comprende la noción y las propiedades del texto.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Motivating the students to know connectors and use them correctly.

Competencia Genérica a desarrollar

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.

Manera didáctica de lograrlo

Encouraging them to improve their knowledge about connectors.

Producto de aprendizaje

Identify connectors and use them in a correct form.

Recursos materiales de

apoyoText and dictionary


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Students commonly:

Get confused when they translate false cognates as true cognates. Do an incorrect translation of a word; they select the first definition that

they find in a dictionary without looking for the correct function of the word (verb, adjective, etc.)

Do a literal Spanish translation of a text and many times it does not have coherence.

Have grammar and spelling mistakes. Do not have enough vocabulary to express their own ideas.

The students will be evaluated according to their performance on each activity using the assessment format.


Classes programming interrupted ( student’s industrial visit, )Schools do not have the required equipment or services

Instrumento de Evaluación

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After finishing this guide you will be able to:

Read an informative text, charts and advertisements Read and write a narrative text Understand and use expressions using connectors Use prefixes and suffixes Use a new vocabulary related to a specific topic Use reference words for building cohesion Understand sequences in information texts Recognize and use expressions for stating purposes Identify the speech (grammar and vocabulary) in texts Infer the meanings of unknown words

“SEQUENCES. English for Bachillerato Tecnológico 5”


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By Julian Thomlinson, Rob Waring and Phil WoodallHEINLE CENGAGE Learning2009.

Documento:REFORMA INTEGRAL DE BACHILLERATOBachillerato Tecnològico. Programa de Estudios. Inglès.SEMS- COSDACMèxico, 2009.