Estructura Y Medio

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Transcript of Estructura Y Medio

Guiones para medios audiovisuales Lic. Manuel Monroy CorreaLa estructura dramtica y el medio


Definicin y antecedentesDivisin de la historia por segmentos.

Antecedentes:Novela por entregas (s. XIX)Seriales cinematogrficosSeriales radiofnicos y televisivos


Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationPossible Email Newsletter & Photo slideshows

Caractersticas Misma duracin(televisin: 30-60 min.; cine: 10-30 min.) Frecuencia constante Estructurados por actos (premisa bsica, punto de confrontacin, punto intermedio y punto de resolucin) (Televisin: 2 actos)Estructura dramtica por actos: divisin de los actos en segmentos de accin ms pequeos (estrategia para transmitir anuncios.)


Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationNewsletter

Estructura dramtica

CineDavid W. Griffith acu el trmino screenplay (guin) para el texto escrito que sirve a la realizacin de un filme.Ordena los elementos narrativos de la cinematografa.Funciona igual para todo gnero cinematogrfico.Estructura bsica: personajes, acciones, lugares y tiempo.

estructura dramtica

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationNewsletter

RadioCdigo radiofnico (voces, msica, sonidos y silencios)Dejar de pensar en trminos visuales (redaccin)

Tipos de dramas radiofnicos: Unitarios (sin continuidad) Seriados (trama independiente por captulo) Novelados o radionovelas (trama continua)

estructura dramtica

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationNewsletter

TelevisinFuente total: la radio.Tipos de drama televisivo: Series (episdicas y antolgicas) D Pelculas para televisin Teleteatros (teatro televisado / tipo antolgico) D Telenovelas (historia lineal en varios captulos) D Soap operas (trama no lineal) D Anuncios publicitarios I sb Videos musicales (de concepto e interpretacin) I sb

estructura dramtica

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationPossible Email Newsletter & Photo slideshows


Es el motor principal de la accin dramtica en televisin. Corta duracin de captulos informacin importante clara y concisamente Interrupcin constante repeticin verbal Tamao de la pantalla escenas con dilogo Distractores del televidente sonido constante


Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationNewsletter

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationPossible Email Newsletter & Photo slideshows

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationNewsletter

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationNewsletter

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationNewsletter

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationPossible Email Newsletter & Photo slideshows

Been working on a new design for 6 months.Host of new features that old did not have. Look and feel have been reinventedNew concepts in place like member directory, online calendar, online map both using tech from GoogleInfo more easily updatedSpecial pags - Committee pages, ministry pages, youth pages, missions pagesHome page that gives quick access to current news, information, and linksArchives section to store video, audio, documents, images that can be searchedMembers area for sensitive informationNewsletter