Forming the Past Continuos

‐ Nombre: Elizabeth Delgado Arambula ‐ Matrícula: A07075964 ‐ Nombre del curso: Ingles II ‐ Nombre de la Actividad: Forming the past continuous ‐ Nombre del tutor: Vanessa Abundis ‐ Fecha de entrega: 03 de junio del 2015 Instrucciones: Copia en un documento Word los siguientes ejercicios para enviar a tu tutor. Exercise 1. Past continuous practice 1. Completa los verbos faltantes utilizando was o were. a. I was typing my homework at the computer lab when the lights went off. b. My sister was traveling on a business trip when she met her husband. c. Peter was skiing in Colorado when he had an accident. d. Students got higher grades when they were studying in small groups. e. Adam was watching a movie when he remembered he had to pick up his parents from the airport. f. Sam was playing the piano while his family listened and enjoyed his concert. g. Last week, the plumber were fixing Tom’s kitchen. h. I remember last summer, when we was riding our bikes to find a good place to have a picnic



Transcript of Forming the Past Continuos

Nombre: Elizabeth Delgado Arambula Matrcula: A07075964 Nombre del curso: Ingles II Nombre de la Actividad: Forming the past continuous Nombre del tutor: Vanessa Abundis Fecha de entrega: 03 de junio del 2015

Instrucciones: Copia en un documento Word los siguientes ejercicios para enviar a tu tutor.Exercise 1. Past continuous practice1. Completa los verbos faltantes utilizando was o were.a. I was typing my homework at the computer lab when the lights went off.b. My sister was traveling on a business trip when she met her husband.c. Peter was skiing in Colorado when he had an accident.d. Students got higher grades when they were studying in small groups.e. Adam was watching a movie when he remembered he had to pick up his parents from the airport.f. Sam was playing the piano while his family listened and enjoyed his concert.g. Last week, the plumber were fixing Toms kitchen.h. I remember last summer, when we was riding our bikes to find a good place to have a picnici. One of the children was giving an oral report in front of the class, while we took notes.j. The waiter were bringing us our coffee when his cell phone rang.2. En el cuadro que se muestra, clasifica las actividades (de los enunciados) en diversin (entertainment), trabajo (work) y escuela (school).Entertainment Work School My sister was traveling on a business trip when she met her husband. Adam was watching a movie when he remembered he had to pick up his parents from the airport. Sam was playing the piano while his family listened and enjoyed his concert. * I remember last summer, when we was riding our bikes to find a good place to have a picnic. Last week, the plumber were fixing Toms kitchen.* The waiter were bringing us our coffee when his cell phone rang. *I was typing my homework at the computer lab when the lights went off.* Students got higher grades when they were studying in small groups.* One of the children was giving an oral report in front of the class, while we took notes.

Exercise 2 Composition

Last week I went to the gym and work as attended every day from 8 to 5:30 pm , on Tuesday came out with my friends to see a movie in the cinema and then to dinner on Thursday attended a college graduaccion for I work on Friday only work normal hours and then I went home