Fraude Patria Careaga-no 2 Español Ingles

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  • 8/12/2019 Fraude Patria Careaga-no 2 Espaol Ingles


    ( Espaol e Ingls )



    El pasado XXXVI GLBTTI PARADE* en Mxico del 28 de junio 2014 expuso una vez ms, el

    oportunismo poltico de Patria Jimnez al montarse sobre el Comit organizador denominado

    histrico y colocarse como la lder Glbtti en Mxico a travs de dicho desfile anual. Pero esto fue

    posible, gracias a la oportunista intervencin (imposicin) de las autoridades del Gobierno de la

    Ciudad de Mxico (GDF) dirigido por Miguel ngel Mancera del PRD, partido al que pertenece

    Patria Jimnez(Ver, Wikipedia). Esta maniobra, como siempre, fue maquinada por la operadora

    poltico-financiera de Patria, Gloria Careaga-eminencia gris, detrs del prncipe-.

    Dicha imposicin fue denunciada por integrantes del Comit organizador a travs de un

    comunicado en internet: Eutanasia al arribismo lila y expresada en una manta que contena la

    fotografa de Manceray de Patriacon un tache.

    Gloria Careaga a pocos das de realizarse el desfile, cort la cabeza de la figura ms fuerte de

    dicho Comit que representaba un obstculo para sus intereses polticos (y econmicos), Luis

    Flores, a travs de la compaera activista transexual Gloria Hazel Davenport quien para

    descalificarlo y hacerlo a un lado, denunci una situacin que Flores no haba aclarado en sumomento, utilizando este hecho para beneficiar al grupo Glbtti de Patria/Careaga del PRD.

    Y fue precisamente en ese momento cuando, sorpresivamente, apareci un comit: Incluye T

    (de Patria/Careaga) que se vi favorecido por el GDF - PRD, montndose en la logstica y

    organizacin que ya haba trabajado el denominado comit histrico meses atrs, permitiendo a

    Patria del PRD colocarse como figura central del festival anual Glbtti de Mxico, teniendo que ser

    acatada forsozamente por el Comit organizador, particularmente Alonso Hernndezy Eduardo

    Bordon. A partir de este momento, prcticamente el Gobierno de la Ciudad de Mxico, GDF - PRD,

    se apropi del festival.

    Supongo que a ese grupo (Careaga, Patria,Hazely clientela poltica) se refera Luis M. Arellano

    en su artculo del portal:, (y si no lo son, se parecen): cuando dice sin mencionar

    nombres: ante el boicot de unas y unos cuantos activistas en su enfermiza obsesin por

    incrustarse a las estructuras del presupuesto pblico, no pocos/as de esos protagonistas lo han

    aprovechado para beneficios personales e incluso para construir carreras polticas., aunque

    individualmente han ganado mucho dinero., para conseguir un ingreso burocrtico, adquirir

    una curul o regresar a ella.

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    Al respecto hay que agregar que:

    - los Parades (desfiles) deberan constituir la culminacin de un ao de arduo trabajo con las

    poblaciones de base Glbtti atendiendo y resolviendo sus problemas y necesidades. Sin embargo, a

    partir de que Patriacomo integrante del partido PRT, empez apropiarse de la organizacin de los

    ParadesGlbt, stos se convirtieron en una plataforma publicitaria para promover candidaturas adiputaciones, senaduras y puestos polticos, as como acceso a puestos de representacin

    internacional: ILGA, ONU, Beijing, y, sobre todo, receptores de financiamientos nacionales e

    internacionales; paralelamente, a una plataforma comercial para la promocin de las empresas

    capitalistas sexuales, muchas de las cules pertenecen a representantes de organizaciones Glbtti;

    - en este desfile, Patria-afortunadamente- dividi a La marcha de la inclusin y la unidad en dos

    contingentes a fin de alejarse del Comit organizador que, atrs del contingente trans, abra la

    marcha junto con grupos universitarios y de jvenes. Marcando as de esta manera, un abismo por

    un lado, entre el movimiento Glbtti autnomo e independiente, y por otro, los partidos polticos,

    el Gobierno y la clase poltica Glbtti que se disputan la representatividad del GLBTTI PARADEpara

    beneficiar sus intereses polticos: sufragio, votos, negocios y puestos burocrticos nacionales e


    - asimismo, Patria haba acordado con el gobierno no llegar al zcalo sino al Monumento a la

    Revolucin, pero el Comit organizador ya haba publicado llegar al Zcalo haciendo uso de su

    independencia y autonoma del gobierno, lo cul se mantuvo.

    La pregunta es: Patriaes gobierno, partido o sociedad civil?, si es gobierno no puede inmiscuirse

    en asuntos internos de un movimiento civil autnomo; si es sociedad civil (ong) no puede

    representar los intereses del gobierno dentro de un movimiento civil, y si es partido es inaceptable

    que un partido imponga al interior de un movimiento social a sus propios representantes. ste esel doble papel que Patria siempre ha jugado, y an triple, porque adems es empresaria (iniciativa


    Sin embargo, lo grave de este asunto no es quePatriay su asesora Careagahistricamente han

    sido la encarnacin del oportunismo poltico, sino que han sido la encarnacin de las polticas

    sexogenricas neoliberales, que han sometido a nuestros pueblos a nuevas formas de opresin y

    esclavitud sexogenrica bajo el yugo del capitalimperialismo posmoderno.* (Parade: desfile)

    Yan Mara Yaoylotl Castro Mxico, 1 de julio 2014

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    XXXVI GLBTTI Pride Parade of Mexico City (2014)

    The recent XXXVI GLBTTI pride parade of Mexico City, held June 28, 2014, exposedonce again

    the political opportunism of Gloria Careaga. She impose herself on the so-called historic

    organizing committee for the parade, then posed as the GLBTTI leader in Mexico through her

    prominent presence in the parade. This was made possible thanks to the opportunistic

    intervention of the authorities of the Mexico City mayoral office, led by Miguel Angel Mancera of

    the PRDthe very same party to which Patria Jimnez belongs (see Wikipedia). As always, this

    maneuver was engineered by Patrias principalpolitical and financial backer, Gloria Careaga.

    This intervention was denounced by several members of the parades organizing committee

    through a communiqu they posted online, entitled, Euthanize Lilac Opportunism, as well as

    through a banner they displayed at the parade featuring photos of Mancera and Patria with a red

    circle with a strikethrough superimposed over their faces:

    A few days before the parade, Gloria Careaga attacked on of the most powerful members of the

    parades organizing committee: Luis Flores, whose power threatened her own political (and

    economic) interests. Careaga used a transsexual activist, Gloria Hazel Davenport, to undermine

    Floress leadership, by having Davenport denounce a situation that Flores had not clarified at the

    time, thus manipulating this weakness in order to advance the interests of the Patria/Careaga

    GLBTTTI group within the PRD.

    Out of thin air, a new committee appeared. Another Patria/Careaga invention, this committee

    backed by the Mexico City government and the PRDinserted itself into the organizational

    processes that had already been underway for months. This intervention allowed Patria of the PRD

    to position herself as the central figure of the Mexico City annual GLBTTI festival (or parade). From

    this moment onwards, the Mexico City PRD-controlled government appropriated this festival for

    its own purposes.

    I assume that Luis M. Arellano is referring to the group composed of Careaga, Patria, Hazel, and

    their political clientele in his article for (and if not, he certainly could be when he

    writes, without naming names: in the face of a boycott by a handful of activists in their sick

    obsession with gaining access to the public coffers more than just a few of these players have

    taken advantage [of social movement spaces] for the sake of personal gainand even to launch

    political careers although they have individually made a lot of money in order to make a

    bureaucrats salary, to win elected office, or to return to one.

    Furthermore, I would add the following:

    Pride parades should constitute the culmination of a years worth of hard work in

    grassroots GLBTTI communities, including attending to their needs and solving the problems they

    face. Nonetheless, since Patriaas a member of the PRTbegan to coopt/reappropriate Mexico

    Citys annual GLBTTI pride parade, these spaces have become a mere platform for PR campaigns

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    for political candidates and other seeking power through opportunities at the ILGA or the UN, or

    the support of national and international foundations. Simultaneously, it also became a platform

    for capitalist, sexuality-oriented businesses, many of which belong to representatives of GLBTTI


    During this years parade, Patriafortunatelydivided the march of inclusion and unityin two in order to distance herself from the organizing committee, which opened the parade along

    with trans and student groups. This separation made clear the abyss dividing the autonomous and

    independent GLBTTI movement from the political parties, government agencies, and privileged

    members of the GLBTTI community that seek to claim the parade as theirs in order to advance

    their own political and economic interests, including garnering votes, attracting business, and

    securing bureaucratic positions at the national and international levels.

    Patria had made an agreement with the city government to finish the parade at the

    Monument to the Revolution as opposed to at the citys Zcalo (central plaza), but the organizing

    committeein a move that reflects their independence and autonomy from the government

    had already announced that the march would conclude at the Zcalo (and it did).

    Ultimately, the question is: does Patria represent the government, a political party, or civil society?

    If she represents the government, then she cannot interfere in the internal affairs of an

    autonomous social movement. If she represents civil society (i.e. an NGO), then she cannot

    represent government interests within a social movement. And if she represents a political party,

    then it is unacceptable for a political party to impose its own representatives onto a social

    movement. Yet this is the dual role that Patria has always played, if not triple, since she also

    represents the private sector as a businesswoman.

    Whats most serious about this issue is not that Patria (and her key backer and adviser, Careaga)has historically embodied political opportunism. Rather, its that both of them have embodied

    neoliberal sex/gender politics and policies, which have been used to submit our communities to

    new forms of sex/gender oppression and slavery in this age of postmodern capitalist imperialism.

    Yan Mara Yaoylotl Castro Mxico City, July 1, 2014