PAÍTO, Mejor que me mate dios


Transcript of PAÍTO, Mejor que me mate dios

Paíto is the Last exponent of the traditional “gaita negra”. Dynamic, full of surprises and secrets, He opens the Gaita to other musical airs and formats (geners) from Vallenato to Rock n ‘roll. The colombian gaita is the oldest flute played in the caribean region and its musics and rithms gave birth to what we know today as CUMBIA. Paíto has performed widely at home in Colombia at caribean festivals winning 30 contests. Supported by Sonidos Enraizados Label , with Gaita Negra (2007), La Flor del Melón (2009), Sixto Silgado Paíto (Ocora-2012), Paíto y los Gaiteros de Punta Brava have trav-elled extensively as far as France, Brazil, Costa Rica, Perú, Chile and Argentina.


In 2015, after the South American Tour Gaita Negra al Sur, Paíto is presentig his new album, Paíto y Mejor que me Mate Dios, were traditional gaita format shares scenario with an improvisation trío of contemorary musicians that know very well both traditional and modern languages. Gaita and caribean drums shine over modern and explosive language of drumset, double bass and electric guitar. This dialog is complemented with live video mixing documentary images with color distortions.

CONTACTLucía Ibáñez Salazar

[email protected]


Sonidos Enraizados: record label and platform dedicated to the development and diffusion of traditional colombian music. Based in Bogotá, the capital city, a group of researchers -musicians and humanists- record and promote traditional colombian
