Rephrasing 3 Respuestas

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    REPHRASING 3 1.- It is possible that it will rain tomorrow.- (may) IT MAY RAIN TOMORROW 2.- The doctor advised her to eat plenty of fresh fruit if she wanted to improve her complexion (should) THE DOCTOR TOLD HER THAT SHE SHOULD EAT 3.- Even if the children are hungry, I don't think it's right for them to eat so many cream cakes (ought). EVEN IF THE CHILDREN ARE HUNGRY THEY OUGHT NOT TO EAT SO MANY 4 .-If they carne a little earlier, they would have a chance to watch the show on TV (could) IF THEY CAME A LITTLE EARLIER , THEY COULD WATCH THE SHOW ON TV 5.- Alan is too old to change careers now (enough) ALAN IS NOT YOUNG ENOUGH TO CHANGE CAREERS NOW 6.- The climb was so difficult that we stopped to rest several times (such) IT WAS SUCH A DIFFICULT CLIMB THAT WE STOPPED TO REST SEVERAL TIMES 7.- Jack wore such an elegant suit that everyone complimented him (so). THE SUIT THAT JACK WORE WAS SO ELLEGANT THAT EVERYONE COMPLIMENTED HIM 8.- Owing to my illness, I cancelled my holiday. Because. I WAS ILL, I CANCELLED MY HOLIDAY/ BECAUSE OF MY ILLNESSS, I CANCELLED..

    9.- In my family, we all have long conversations on the phone. Consequently, our phone bills are high (result) IN MY FAMILY, WE ALL HAVE LONG CONVERSATIONS ON THE PHONE ; AS A RESULT, OUR PHONE BILLS ARE HIGH 10.- Although the jacket was so expensive, he bought it. In spite of THE HIGH PRICE OF THE JACKET HE BOUGHT IT IN SPITE OF BEING VERY EXPENSIVE , HE BOUGHT THE JACKET

    11.- My brother is very busy at work. My sister is on holiday (whereas)WHEREAS MY BROTHER IS VERY BUSY AT WORK, MY SISTER IS ON HOLIDAY 12.- There is a shopping centre in this town and many small shops as well . In addition TO A SHOPPING CENTRE, THERE ARE MANY SMALL SHOPS AS WELL 13.- Despite his age, he's very active . .- Although HES (GETTING OLD), HES VERY ACTIVE 14 .- Despite the doctor's advice to stop smoking, she hasn't stopped. Even though THE DOCTOR ADVISED HER TO STOP SMOKING, SHE HASNT STOPPED . 16 .-I took a cookery course in order to be able to make special dishes. (so that) I TOOK A COOKERY COURSE SO THAT I COULD MAKE SPECIAL DISHES 17 .- Contrary to me, my sister is an excellent swimmer



    18.- He drove through a red light and he was given a ticket. As a result OF DRIVING THROUGH A RED LIGHT, HE WAS GIVEN A TICKET. 19.- Therere many methods of communicating nowadays; for example , phone, letters, faxes and E- mail (such). THERERE MANY METHODS OF COMMUNICATING NOWADAYS, SUCH AS PHONE, . 20 .- Everyone arrived at school on time with the exception of Jack (for) EVERYONE ARRIVED AT SCHOOL ON TIME EXCEPT FOR JACK 21.- Ill go to the cinema tomorrow if I don't have to work late. Unless I HAVE TO WORK LATE, ILL GO TO THE CINEMA TOMORROW 22.- " My cousins have often visited France". Joanne pointed out THAT HER COUSINS HAVE/HAD OFTEN VISITED FRANCE 23.- "I can't see you yet, Carla". The nurse told CARLA SHE COULDNT SEE HER YET 24.- " The train will be leaving in 15 minutes". She told Harry THAT THE TRAIN WOULD BE LEAVING 15 MINUTES LATER 25.- " Take the children home". She told the driver TO TAKE THE CHILDREN HOME 26.- Don't forget to phone me! The father told his son NOT TO FORGET TO PHONE HIM 27.- " Do you understand me? The teacher asked us IF WE UNDERSTOOD HIM/HER 28.-"Who is your favourite actor ?". She asked me WHO MY FAVOURITE ACTOR WAS/IS 29.- "How about playing a game of tennis? Sheila said. (suggest). SHEILA SUGGESTED PLAYING A GAME OF TENNIS 30.- " Let's make some spaghetti sauce now". He SUGGESTED MAKING SOME SPAGHETTI SAUCE AT THAT MOMENT

    31.- " Will you let me take the car tonight, Dad?". Jean asked HIS FATHER TO LET HIM TAKE THE CAR THAT NIGHT 32.- You have a nasty cut on your hand. It looks like it is infected. You should see the doctor, (better) YOU HAVE A NASTY CUT.. YOUD BETTER SEE THE DOCTOR. 33.- This watch has stopped. It's broken. You should FIX IT / HAVE IT FIXED 34.- Our house is full of dust and dirt. It's time YOU CLEANED 35.- The pupil's homework was very messy. The teacher told him to rewrite it (made). THE TEACHER MADE THE PUPIL REWRITE HIS/HER HOMEWORK, AS IT WAS VERY MESSY 36.- We should get a sweater as it may get colder. (in case ) WE SHOULD GET A SWEATER IN CASE IT GETS COLDER 37 .-I spoke to the Prime Minister on the phone a week ago.