Optimice y seleccione la mejor polimerasa para sus ... · PDF file-Un exceso de la...

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Transcript of Optimice y seleccione la mejor polimerasa para sus ... · PDF file-Un exceso de la...

1-Introducción a la PCR 2-Optimización de una PCR 3-Surecycler 8800 software 4-Overview de polimerasas 5-Revisión de RT-PCR

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Introducción a la PCR

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Se fundamenta en la propiedad natural de las ADN polimerasas para replicar hebras de ADN, para lo cual emplea ciclos de altas y bajas temperaturas alternadas para separar las hebras de ADN recién formadas entre sí tras cada fase de replicación y, a continuación, dejar que vuelvan a unirse a polimerasas para que vuelvan a duplicarlas

Las temperaturas del ciclo (95 °C en las fases de desnaturalización del ADN) suponen la inmediata desnaturalización de toda proteína,,

Polimerasas de m.o

Thermus aquaticus (polimerasaTaq) Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu) Thermococcus litoralis (Vent) Thermus termophilus (Tth).

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Introducción a la PCR

Los 7 componentes de una PCR: 1-Los 4 desoxirribonucleósidos-trifosfato (dNTP), sustratos para polimerizar nuevo ADN. 2-Dos cebadores o iniciadores (primers), oligonucleótidos que son, cada uno, complementarios a una de las dos hebras del ADN. Son secuencias cortas, de entre 6 y 40 nucleotidos. Deben estar situados enfrentados y a no mucha distancia ,definen los extremos de la secuencia que se desea replicar.

- 3-Se suele usar magnesio (Mg2+) Cofactores de la polimerasa. 4-Una solución tampón (buffer) que mantiene el pH adecuado para el funcionamiento de la ADN polimerasa. 5-ADN polimerasa 6- ADN molde, que contiene la región de ADN que se va a amplificar. 7-Termociclador, el aparato que va a mantener la temperatura necesaria en cada una de las etapas que conforman un ciclo. http://genomics.agilent.com/

Page 5

PCR; 20 a 35 cambios repetidos de temperatura llamados ciclos; cada ciclo suele consistir en 3 pasos a diferentes temperaturas.

Inicio 94-96 °C 1-9 minutos Desnaturalización(94-95 °C) 60 seg La temperatura depende: de la proporción de G+C y longitud de la hebra 95ºC standard y 92ºC para grandes hebras) Alineamiento40-68 °C durante 20-40 segundos El cebador se unirá a su secuencia complementaria en el ADN molde.. Los puentes de hidrógeno estables entre las cadenas de ADN (unión ADN-ADN) sólo se forman cuando la secuencia del cebador es muy similar a la secuencia del ADN molde.. Los cebadores actuarán como límites de la región de la molécula que va a ser amplificada. Elongación El tiempo de extensión depende + ADN polimerasa +Longitud del fragmento de ADN que se va a amplificar. **A la temperatura óptima la polimerasa de ADN polimerizará mil bases en un minuto…… polimerasa Taq 75-80 °C Elongación final 70-74 °C 5-15 minutos tras el último ciclo de PCR.

-Electroforesis en gel de agarosa……fragmentos grandes -Gel de acrilamida……………………...fragmentos pequeños *Marcador de peso molecular

Introducción a la PCR

Stratagene PCR Enzymes

2º cycle

Page 7

PCR Optimización

PH -Los buffer contienen agentes reguladores del pH -El pH ideal es de 8.4 -El pH del Tris buffer disminuye a alta temperaturas. Concentración de sales Los buffers contienen 50mM(taq) o 10 mM(Pfu) KCl para proporcionar la suficiente fuerza iónica. Magnesium Los buffers frecuentemente contienen Mg 2+ como cofactor para la actividad de la enzima. Taq polimerasa es más sensible al Mg que la Pfu en la concentración óptima dNTP -La concentración óptima suele estar entorno a 1mM. -Un exceso de la concentración de dNTP reduce la precisión de la polimerasa y requiere de más Mg2+ en la reacción. Template La cantidad mínima suele rondar de 10 a 1000 copias por reacción, aproximadamente 5-100ng de template. El ratio A260/A280 debería estar entre 1.8 a 2.0. La cantidad recomendada 25-100ng en 100ul de reacción en mayoría de las veces* Para alto contenido en GC se ha de añadir entre 1% a 10% DMSO para reducir estructuras secundarias. Glicerol entre el 5-10%.

Aditivos 1-Glicerol(5-10%),Formamida(1-5%) o DMSO (2-10%) puede ser añadido en casos de moldes de ADN con alto GC. 2-Betaína(0,5M-2M) es útil para alto GC pero no para nuestras Pfu. (Produce una tritación a una concentración optima) 3-BSA (por encima de 0.8ug/ul)

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PCR Optimización y diseño Optimiza la concentración -La concentración optima suele ser entre 100-500nM. Un aumento excesivo puede inhibir la reacción. -Conversores habituales; 330g mol * bp = peso molecular de ssDNA 660g mol*bp= peso molecular de dsDNA *Un ejemplo: ¿Cómo puedo conseguir 10mM de solución empezando con 24 nmol de oligo? 1- Convertir los 10mM a 10 mmol/ml. 2- Cálcula el volumen que necesitas resuspender tus oligos en función de tu concentración inicial. 10mmol/ml= 24 nmol/X ml, Luego X= 2,4 ml

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Diseño de Primers Cada cebador debe integrar entre 18 y 24 bases. Los cebadores muy cortos hacen que nuestra PCR no sea muy específica, y los que se excedan en longitud harán que perdamos rendimiento en la reacción. -La proporción entre bases púricas y pirimidínicas sea 1:1 (40-60% a lo sumo), y que empiecen y terminen con 1 ó 2 bases púricas. -Los cebadores no deben incluir en su secuencia regiones que sean complementarias entre sí, o se formarán dímeros entre ellos. http://eu.idtdna.com/Home/Home.aspx -Intentar terminaciones en el 3´ en bases GC para facilitar el proceso de anillamiento. -Evitar secuencias invertidas para prevenir formación de estructuras secundarias, la cuales pueden facilitar eliminar hibridaciones en el template.

-La temperatura de anillamiento en la PCR debería ser entre 5ºC a 10ºC por debajo de la temperatura de melting (Tm). Tm (ºC)= 2(#A + #T) + 4(#G + #C) -La Tm óptima suele estar entre 55ºC y 80ºC para mejorar el rendimiento

Surecycler software

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1 2

3 4

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4-Overview de Polimerasas

Page 16

Attributes of PCR Enzymes

Fidelity (Amplicons with the correct sequence)

Robustness (% of reactions that successfully amplify)

Yield downstream aplications required larger quantities of DNA

Sensitivity (Low amounts of starting material)

Specificity (Amplification of the correct target)

Speed (High throughput labs and individual protocols)

Target length mainly GC-rich templates

Page 17

PCR Enzyme Product Positioning

Agilent’s Stratagene Division - Key DNA Polymerases Key Attributes Product

Highest Fidelity PfuUltra II Fusion HS

Highest Yield

Most Robust

Lowest cost for High Fidelity PCR

Herculase II Fusion*

Highest Sensitivity PicoMaxx

TA/UA Cloning Easy-A

Lowest cost for routine PCR (HS) Paq5000 HS DNA Polymerase

Incorporation of dUTP PfuTurbo Cx

*Length (up to 23kb) – Herculase II with optimized buffer and cycling conditions

Page 18

ArchaeMaxx Polymerase-Enhancing Factor

Accumulation of dUTP in reaction can stop extension by archael polymerases (PCR poisoning)

ArchaeMaxx is Archael dUTPase

• Don´t have DNA polymerase and exonuclease activities Overcomes poisoning in extreme PCR conditions

The longer the overall PCR, the more dUTP can accumulate Complex/challenging and long templates

Results in enhanced overall PCR performance

Higher yields Greater target length capability

Page 19

Value: PfuUltra II HS Fusion DNA Polymerase • The most accurate amplification in our industry

• 1 error every 2,500,000 bp

• Peer reviewed, published results in major journals

• Extreme speed leading to reduced overall run time • 15 sec/kb extension

• Extended length capability • 19 kb with gDNA

• Contains ArchaeMaxx Factor to prevent poisoning by dUTP • Highly specific – only sold as hot-start formulation • Convenience with master mix options • No impact on performance when left at room temperature for 24 hours

Page 20

Pfu-Based Fusion Protein

• Fusion enzymes are a combination of a high affinity double-stranded DNA binding domain with a Pfu-based DNA polymerase

• Serves to better anchor the DNA polymerase preventing early dissociation from the DNA template

• Improved processivity for the incorporation of more nucleotides per binding event • This enhances PCR yields and shortens extension times

DNA binding protein Pfu-based DNA polymerase

N C Proofreading Polymerization

PfuUltra II :Quick Time-to-Results

PfuUltra II

Common proof reader

Common proof reader

Common proof reader







Total Cycling Time

52 minutes

2 hours 30 minutes

2 hours 30 minutes

1 hour 17 minutes

6 hours 52 minutes Failed amplification

Failed amplification

2 hours 40 minutes 13 hours 44 minutes

PfuUltra II

PfuUltra II

Page 22

Error Rate, Accuracy… Who Cares?

Page 23

1-kb amplicon 5-kb amplicon 10-kb amplicon

Pfu, PfuTurbo, Herculase II1,2

(Agilent) 1.3 ± 0.2 770,000 2.6 13 26PfuUltra/PfuUltra II(Agilent) 0.4 ± 0.04 2,500,000 0.8 4 8Tgo(Roche) 2.2 ± 0.1 450,000 4.4 N.R. N.R.DeepVent1

(New England Biolabs) 2.7 ± 0.2 370,000 5.4 N.R. N.R.Vent1

(New England Biolabs) 2.8 ± 0.9 360,000 5.6 N.R. N.R.Platinum Pfx4

(Life Technologies) (KOD1) 3.5 ± 1.0 290,000 7 35 70


(Agilent)(Maj Pfu + Min Taq ) 2.8 ± 0.5 360,000 5.6 28 56Platinum Taq High Fidelity3

(Life Technologies)(Maj Taq + Min DeepVent™) 5.8 ± 0.3 170,000 11.6 58 100Advantage-HF3

(CloneTech)(Maj KlenTaq + Min Proofreading DNA Pol) 6.1 ± 0.07 160,000 12.2 N.R. N.R.

Taq 1

(Multiple suppliers) 8.0 ± 3.9 125,000 16 80 N.R.9.1 ± 2.4 110,000 18.2 91 N.R.

N.R.: Not recommended for 5- to 10-kb target sizes


Proofreading DNA Polymerases

High-fidelity blends

No Proofreading

Percentage of clones with mutations(10⁶-fold amplification)DNA Polymerase Error Ratea

(x10ˉ⁶ ± S.D.)

Accuracy(error rate⁻¹ in bases)

aError rates were measured in each enzyme's recommended PCR buffer using the cycling conditions described in Cline et al. (1996). PCRs (50µl) contained 0.2µм each primer, 205ng or 200µм each nucleotide, 2.5ng of target DNA, and 2.5 units of DNA polymerase, with the following manufacturer-recommended exceptions: Platinum Pfx: 300 µм each nucleotide, 1.25 units of enzyme, and 68°C extension temperature; Tgo : 1 unit of enzyme and 0.4 µм each primer, Vent: 1 unit of enzyme.

1Cline J., Braman J.C., and Hogrefe H.H. 1996, PCR fidelity of Pfu DNA polymerase and other thermostable DNA polymerases. Nucleic Acids Res. 24: 3546-3551.

2Hogrefe H.H., Scott B., Nielson K., Hedden V., Hansen C., Cline J., Bal F., Amberg J., Allen R., and Madden M. 1997. Novel PCR enhancing factor improves performance of Pfu DNA polymerase, Strategies 10: 93-96.3Borns M, and Hogrefe H. 2000a. Unique DNA polymerase formulation excels in a broad range of PCR application. Strategies 13: 1-3.4Borns M, and Hogrefe H. 2000b. Unique enhanced DNA polymerase delivers high fidelity and great PCR performance. Strategies 13: 76-79.


* PCR conducted using recommended buffer and cycling conditions

PfuUltra II: Extended Target Length Capability

1 2 3 4 6 9 12 19 1 2 3 4 6 9 12 19 1 2 3 4 6 9 12 19

PfuUltra II* Phusion* Pfx50* Genomic DNA target length (kb):

Page 24

PfuUltra II Ordering Information

Description Reactions / Units Catalogue #

PfuUltra II Fusion HS DNA Polymerase 40 rxns (50uL) 600670

PfuUltra II Fusion HS DNA Polymerase

200 rxns (50uL) 600672

PfuUltra II Fusion HS DNA Polymerase

400 rxns (50uL) 600674

PfuUltra II Hotstart PCR Master Mix

100 rxns (50uL) 600850

PfuUltra II Hotstart PCR Master Mix

400 rxns (50uL) 600852

Page 25

Value: Herculase II • Superior yields • Most robust DNA polymerase

• Successfully amplify a broad range of targets including difficult and GC-rich targets

• Amplification of precious samples

• Increased speed • 30 sec/kb extension**

• Length - Up to 12kb genomic (unoptimized), 23kb genomic (optimized) • High sensitivity for amplification of as little as 1 ng of DNA • Prevent poisoning of dUTP with ArchaeMaxx Factor • Most economically priced high fidelity enzyme in the market

• 1 error in 750,000 bp

**Extension times can be adjusted up or down depending on customer’s targets and needs for yield/sensitivity

Page 26


Herculase II: Higher Yields than Other High Fidelity DNA Polymerases



Ext. time (sec/kb): 15 30 45 60 15 30 45 60 15 30 45 60 15 30 45 60

Herculase II Phusion Pfx50 Pwo Super Yield

Ext. time (sec/kb): 15 30 45 60 15 30 45 60 15 30 45 60 15 30 45 60

Herculase II Phusion Pfx50 Pwo Super Yield

Page 27


Herculase II: Reliable Amplification of GC Rich Targets


Herculase II* Phusion/GC Buffer* AccuPrime GC*

(79%) (84%) (65%) (68%) (79%) (84%) (65%) (68%) (79%) (84%) (65%) (68%) GC content (%):

562bp 540bp 300bp 250bp

*Manufacturers’ recommendations were followed for amplifying GC-rich targets

Page 28

Superior Sensitivity with Herculase II

• 3.9-kb fragment of human α1-antitrypsin gene amplified from 1-300 ng input amount

• All reactions performed using manufacturer’s recommended buffer and protocol

Page 29

PCR Polymerase Applications Application Competitor

Polymerase Agilent Alternative

Benefit to Customer

Next-Gen Sequencing

Phusion (Finnzymes) Platinum PCR Supermix (Life Tech)

Herculase II •SureSelect - Customer does not risk support/replacement of product if experiment is not successful. Save costs of SureSelect and sequencing.

•Higher yields mean fewer cycles of amplification are required which saves the customer time but more importantly reduces bias introduced from PCR and reduces errors which occur with all DNA polymerases

•Vs Platinum PCR Supermix (not Phusion) – Customer can achieve a much higher throughput with significantly faster time to results due to fusion technology

•***SureSelect - Preservation of size distribution to reduce wasted sequencing saving costs and time to run bioinformatics

SureSelect / Herculase II Publication (March 2010): SureSelect X Chromosome kit with Herculase II and complimentary analysis by Agilent aCGH to identify mutations and deletions in the X chromosome gene PHF6 in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia Nature Genetics, Adolfo Ferrando and colleagues, at Columbia University http://opengenomics.com/Papers/PHF6_mutations_in_Tcell

Comparing PfuUltra II and Herculase II Fusion DNA Polymerases

• PfuUltra II when fidelity, speed, and specificity are most important

• Herculase II when high fidelity and yield is needed on a routine basis across multiple targets

Parameter PfuUltra II Fusion HS Herculase II Fusion

Fidelity Best High ( = Pfu) Hot-start Yes No

ArchaeMaxx Yes Yes Cycling (extension) Fast (15 sec/kb) Fast (30 sec/kb)

Yield High Best

GC-rich templates Good performance Best

Length 0.1-19kb genomic 0.1-12kb genomic

Pricing Premium Economic

Stratagene University - PCR Reagents

7/13/2009 Page 31

PfuTurbo Cx

Proofreading polymerase

Only available in hotstart formulation


Completely overcomes Uracil stalling – Reads through Uracil in template or extending strand, efficient

incorporation of dUTP

Agilent provides the only commercially available high fidelity polymerase which reads through Uracil

Stratagene University - PCR Reagents

7/13/2009 Page 32

Target Customer PfuTurbo Cx



Bisulfite Sequencing

UNG decontamination protocols

Require accuracy from PCR reaction with dUTP present or Uracil in the template

Page 33

PfuTurbo Cx for Bisulfite Sequencing

• Proofreading polymerases stall at dUTP, thus impacting efficiency of amplification – PfuTurboCx is designed to read through Uracil without stalling

• Ideal polymerase for large-scale random bisulfite sequencing in genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation


Economic alternative to Taq • Optimal performance may require some optimization when substituted directly

into Taq protocols

Optimized to provide higher yield and better sensitivity than Taq

Reduced extension time by 50% compared to Taq • 30 sec/kb extension time

High specificity with hot-start formulation, master mix

Improved target length • Amplify up to 6kb genomic DNA

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Supporting Proof: Increased Specificity and Yield Paq5000 HS vs. Standard Taq

Amplification of a 3.9 kb fragment of the Human α1 Antitrypsin gene using Paq5000 Hotstart DNA Polymerase and standard Taq from various suppliers. Paq5000 Hotstart DNA Polymerase reactions were performed with extension times of 30 sec/kb. All other reactions were performed with extension times of 1 min/kb and using each manufacturer’s recommended buffer, enzyme concentration and cycling conditions. ( lanes 5-7, NEB Taq; lanes 8-10, Invitrogen Taq; lanes 11-13, Roche Taq; lanes 14-16, Paq5000 with no hot start).

Paq5000 HS NEB Taq Invitrogen Roche Taq Paq5000

Paq5000 Hotstart DNA Polymerase – Features/Benefits

Feature Benefit

Novel hot start capability allows room temperature set-up of PCR reactions without compromising specificity due to mispriming.

Added convenience.

Novel hot start capability reduces non-specific bands and has been shown to eliminate non-specific bands with even the most difficult primer/template combinations.

Achieve greater PCR success.

Fast cycling conditions (30 sec/kb extension time vs. I min/kb for Taq) & short 2 minute hot start.

Save time and increase throughput.

Amplify up to 6kb genomic DNA. No specialized PCR enzyme required for routine PCR on longer targets.

Priced as low as 15 cents per unit – up to 66% less than any major competitor hotstart!

Save money on routine PCR.

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Page 38

Resolución de problemas

PCR Polymerase Applications Application Competitor

Polymerase Agilent Alternative

Benefit to Customer

Gene Synthesis

High Fidelity (Any competitor)

PfuUltra II •Highest accuracy gene synthesis = less repeating experiments = reduced cost of gene synthesis and greater chance of success •Faster PCR leads to higher throughput which allows customers to accomplish more from one instrument and in one day

Epigenetics (Methylation studies)

Taq (any competitor)

PfuTurbo Cx •More accurate amplification of desired sequence due to a high fidelity polymerase which efficiently incorporates dUTP

PCR Carryover Contamination Prevention (UNG Decontamination)

Taq (any competitor)

PfuTurbo Cx •More accurate amplification of desired sequence due to a high fidelity polymerase which efficiently incorporates dUTP

Bisulfite Sequencing

Taq (any competitor)

PfuTurbo Cx •More accurate amplification of desired sequence due to a high fidelity polymerase which efficiently incorporates dUTP

Amplification with Difficult/Long Targets (GC rich, Inhibitors Present)

AccuPrime GC-Rich (Life Tech) Other suppliers with GC specific products

Herculase II •Significantly higher yields with difficult targets mean less replication of work •More consistent amplification allows for greater confidence in reliability of the customer’s PCR •Faster amplification increases the customers throughput and saves the customers time

Page 40

5-Revisión de RT-PCR

Problem: • Reverse transcriptases (RTs) exhibit significantly higher error rates, introducing

errors at frequencies of 1 per 1,500 to 30,000 nucleotides during cDNA synthesis

Why is this important? RT induced errors are the major contributor of errors in RT-PCR, particularly when

using ultra-high fidelity PCR enzymes Importance: single base errors affect protein expression, folding or activity Pain to customer: time and effort spent to ID and correct errors after RT-PCR

AccuScript PfuUltra II RT-PCR

• Highest fidelity RT combined with highest fidelity PCR enzyme in the market

• Proofreading RT enables AccuScript a three- to six fold better accuracy than other RTs

• Reduces errors • Improves the yield of the correct cDNA

• Achieves up to 3X faster RT-PCR reaction times with the AccuScript PfuUltra II RT-PCR Kit

• High yields of full length cDNA up to 20kb with AccuScript Reverse Transcriptase • PfuUltra II amplifies up to 19kb

• Stringent quality control procedures ensure high yields of premium cDNA

High Fidelity RT-PCR

*Based on a 1 kb fragment amplified for 20 duplications

“” Note PfuUltra has been updated to PfuUltra II with an equivalent error rate as PfuUltra DNA Polymerase but much faster processivity

Full Length cDNA

Shown here is a successful PCR amplification of 0.61kb fragment located at 5’ end of the human nebulin gene, which is 20.8kb in length. This demonstrates complete reverse transcription of the human nebulin gene by AccuScript RT

The combination of AccuScript RT and PfuUltra II DNA polymerase is the only choice for accurate amplification of cDNA in RT-PCR.



Mutation Frequency (MF)


AccuScript RT PfuUltra II Enzyme 2.5% (1.6% + 0.9%)

SuperScript II RT PfuUltra II Enzyme 7.3% (6.4% + 0.9%)

SuperScript II RT Taq Polymerase 22.4% (6.4% + 16%)

AccuScript Reverse Transcriptase (RT)

AccuScript RT Portfolio

Application Product format Stratagene Solution Major advantages

Premium quality cDNA that is virtually error free for cloning, sequencing, protein expression

Reverse transcriptase AccuScript High-Fidelity Reverse Transcriptase

• Synthesize cDNA that contains 3-6 fold fewer errors than cDNA produced by any other reverse transcriptase

• RNase H deficient for high yields of full length cDNA

• Produce higher quality full length cDNA from 1 kb to 20 kb

First strand kit AccuScript High-Fidelity cDNA Synthesis Kit

• Complete first strand cDNA synthesis system

• Flexibility to select PCR enzyme

• Convenient kit format offers flexible oligo dT or random priming options

Premium quality cDNA amplification with the highest fidelity

2-Step RT-PCR AccuScript PfuUltra II RT-PCR Kit

• Highest fidelity RT-PCR using AccuScript and PfuUltra II enzymes

• Archival of precious samples

• Length

• RT up to 20.8 kb cDNA

• PCR enzyme up to 19 kb

Easy-A One-Tube RT-PCR System

Convenient one-step RT-PCR • The ONLY one-step RT-PCR system offering both TA/UA cloning and high

fidelity – Amplification of cDNA with A-overhangs – Six fold more accurate than Taq DNA Polymerase with the same cloning

efficiency • Minimizes contamination • Makes multiple-reaction setup fast and easy

• Single, optimized buffer for both RT and PCR phases of protocol to maximize performance

• Robust amplification of targets up to 5 kb

AffinityScript RT Advantages Robust cDNA synthesis across a broad range of temperatures

– 37°C to 55°C – Allows customers to use the optimal reaction temperature for their priming strategy or template sequence without having to change their RT

– Limited optimization required

High yield

– Detect low copy genes – Use of limited RNA


– Synthesizes from 0.5 kb up to 20 kb full length cDNA

Reverse transcribe through secondary structure using elevated reaction temperature

Strict enzyme purity specifications ensures no contaminating RNase and exonuclease activities

Cost effective solution compared to competitors

AffinityScript RT-PCR Kit

One-Step • Products useful for

cloning and sequencing

• Simple, rapid setup of

multiple reactions

• Minimizes contamination

in a single tube reaction

Two-Step • Generates homogenous population of cDNA • Generate cDNA Libraries • Recovery of specific clones from a heterogonous population • First-strand cDNA for downstream QPCR specific for multiple genes

One Vs. Two-Step RT-PCR

Broadest Thermal Profile


Run Times

Target Size AffinityScript One-Step SS III One-Step Qiagen One-Step

0.5kb 1 hour, 20 minutes 2 hours, 40 minutes 2 hours, 50 minutes

1.6kb 2 hours 3 hours, 15 minutes 3 hours, 30 minutes

2.8kb 2 hours, 39 minutes 3 hours, 55 minutes 4 hours, 10 minutes

4.8kb 4 hours 5 hours, 20 minutes 5 hours, 35 minutes

7.6kb 5 hours, 19 minutes 7 hours, 15 minutes 12 hours, 10 minutes

9.5kb 6 hours, 30 minutes 8 hours, 40 minutes 15 hours, 30 minutes

AffinityScript One-Step RT-PCR kit delivers significantly shorter run times

Page 51

Supporting Proof

Comparison of One-Step RT-PCR systems Targets of varying sizes were amplified with various commercially available one-step RT-PCR kits. Top panel: Agilent AffinityScript One-Step RT-PCR kit; Second panel: Invitrogen SuperScript III One-Step RT-PCR kit; Third panel: Qiagen OneStep RT-PCR Kit; Fourth panel: Qiagen OneStep RT-PCR kit with Q solution added. M1: 1kb DNA ladder and M2: Lambda/HindIII marker.

Agilent Invitrogen SuperScript III

Qiagen OneStep RT-PCR Kit Qiagen OneStep RT-PCR Kit + Q solution

ng RNA M1 1 1 1 1 10 10 10 100 100 M2

Page 52

Supporting Proof

1ul of PCR product from each RT-PCR reaction was run on the 2100 Bioanalyzer. Lanes 1, 5, 9: 433bp MacF1 from 1ng human skeletal muscle total RNA; lanes 2, 6, 10: 1.6kb GPT from 1ng mouse liver total RNA; lanes 3, 7, 11: 2.8kb Herc1 from 10ng human skeletal muscle total RNA; lanes 4, 8, 12: 4.8kb Neb-4 from 10ng human skeletal muscle total RNA

AffinityScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit

SuperScript III One-Step RT-PCR System with Platinum® Taq DNA

Polymerase Qiagen OneStep RT-PCR


One-Step RT-PCR Kit Comparisons

Page 53

One-Step RT-PCR Kit Comparisons

Supporting Proof

Page 54

Supporting Literature • Agilent Website - Product information page

• AffinityScript One-Step RT-PCR Kit Manual http://www.genomics.agilent.com/files/Manual/600188.pdf

• Technical Data Sheet (shown to the right, double click to open)

Publication Arezi, B. & Hogrefe, H. (2009) Novel mutations in Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus reverse transcriptase increase

thermostability through tighter binding to template-primer. Nucl. Acids Res. 37: 473-481.

Conference poster Higher Resistance to Common RT-qPCR Inhibitors Displayed by AffinityScript RT (Shown to the right, double click to open)

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OFERTA PROMOCIONAL 2*1 (Exclusivo Asistentes)

Polimerasas (Herculasa, Pfu..) o Retrotranscriptasa (Affinity, AccurScript)*.

***********SORTEO DEL E-seminar*******

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Gracias a todos!!! Hugo_mingo@agilent.com